Samaritan® PAD 350P Defibrillator
Samaritan® PAD 350P Defibrillator
- Samaritan Public Access Defibrillator
- Spare Pad and Battery Pack
- Protective Carry Case
- Industry Leading 7 Year Warranty
- Biphasic SCOPE® technology
- AHA/ERC 2010 compliant
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death globally. Response time is critical for surviving SCA, when every minute counts, and 4-6 mins is the prefered maximum time for defibrillator to occur. HeartSine’s samaritan® PAD was designed especially for use in public areas by providing a sophisticated defibrillator inside a lightweight, easy-to-operate system.
This is an ideal defibrillator for community first responder schemes, business premises, sports clubs and anywhere the public gather.
Why buy a Defibrillator?
Each minute after Cardiac Arrest without defibrillation gives a 10% less chance of survival
View Ambulance Response Times In Your Area
The report of the Task Force on Sudden Cardiac Death shows that a vast majority of the country has response times outside this 'Platinum' ten miunutes. Public areas like bars, hotels and sports grounds are expected to do so by the public.
It could save a life - YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH!
To inquire about purchasing a samaritan® PAD, for this excellent price, contact our experts on 01-621 6363 or
Alternatively - Contact us Here
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